Alright the glass guys finished the Wellcrap today so they are ready to jump back on the Made2Slay! But while they were waiting for glass to kick they got my console glued and screwed. Only problem is they put it in backwards! Psyche! They also have it prepped to glass on the inside. So they are taking a much deserved day off tomorrow to go fishing. So by the end of the week hopefully they will finish glassing and gel coating the console in. i am a little upset about two things. One is it is starting to look a little to shiny and good to me, so now i'm going to have to sand and buff the rest of the boat. Which means i'll have to start washing all the fish blood off of it as well, no more hose and go! Two, i'm in it for a full 5 boating units now. This is starting to hurt, it must be part of the devil's curse on mankind. i need to get on some government boater welfare program so i can get some free taxpayer monies to finance this madness. Or maybe we can get a grant for re-furbishing classic American fishing boats. Either way why should we have to pay! Dude out! Oh and by the way check out my buddy Dandubs 20 footer, it is starting to look real nice. i just hope he isn't feeling the pain as bad as myself.