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Old 05-08-2013, 07:02 PM
Bigshrimpin Bigshrimpin is offline
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Originally Posted by cdavisdb View Post
If its a two barrel, pretty minimal power. You would need to prop it for 20 knots cruise, maybe less. With a 4 barrel its closer to reasonable, but no speed demon. One good thing, torque is more important that HP, and I think, at cruising rpm, a 350 is a 350.

The boat is very sensitive to adding weight. Load it heavy, vacuum at cruise goes way down and I don't think the 2 barrel will work. For sure, get a vacuum gauge, or you are likely to eat the engine up.

My 350 is about 285 hp, with a duoprop and is near perfect for the boat if not loaded heavy. If I was going to load it down all the time, I'd need to reprop or go to a bigger engine.
It's a 4 barrel Holly carb. 99% sure a TRS gimbal based on pics. There appears to be some sort of electric shifter mechanism . . . big clunky thing that mounts at an angle.

Looks just like this one STERN DRIVE MC II-TR

Last edited by Bigshrimpin; 05-08-2013 at 07:39 PM.
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