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Old 05-18-2013, 11:26 PM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Originally Posted by jdandme View Post
. . . I seem to be finding a lot of I/O's, does anyone have performance on 3.0 130 HP Mercruiser VS the 5.0 V8?

Plan on inshore fishing bays and a couple of miles offshore, also Long Island Sound. Kids love beaching the boat and exploring the beach.

What do you all think?
The 20' Seafari is one of the most capable and versatile 20' boats ever made! I've had mine for 38 years and done just about everything with it . . . fishing, diving, 200 mile Bahama trips in 4-6' seas, a 700 mile S. Fla. circumnavigation trip, long distance trailering, lived on the boat for up to 6 days, etc.

Check out it's performance in this article on the Seafari 20: It got better than 5 mpg with a 140 MerCruiser! The CG is further forward on the I/O model, so it will ride better than the OB model, and it will plane at 12 mph W/O trim tabs. This is very important in a relatively light boat that wants to go airborne at about 20 kts when seas get over about 3'! Yes, it's a LOT smaller boat than the 23 and won't ride like a 23, but it sounds like it's about what you're looking for!
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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