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Old 05-23-2013, 11:00 PM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Location: N. Palm Beach, Fl.
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Just saw your other post where you're now thinking of a 23 Sceptre instead? That's fine, but understand it's a MUCH bigger boat, so a fair amount more expensive to operate, and more of a handful to tow, launch, and haul out, especially if it's your first boat. I'd suggest that you at least look at a Seafari before you write it off as a potential candidate. It's cabin is bigger, brighter, and better ventilated than a 23 Sceptre, and of course it also has a head or room for one. As far as what to look for in the way of potential problems, pretty much the same as any other 30+ year old boat . . . soft decks and hatches, (both easily fixed) and soggy transoms, but that's mostly a function of how well it's been taken care of. My boat is all original and has none of those problems. The bottom of the cabin bulkhead can develop rot from washdown water or windshield leaks, and sometimes the cabin door and/or the forward hatch supports are missing; the overhead carpeting in the cabin can also be missing or dirty/mildewed, etc.; a 23 Sceptre wouild have the same issues, plus it also has a folding hatch over the door which may be broken or missing.

A Seafari can use a single axle trailer and be towed with a compact pickup truck, with total rig weight of 3500-4000 lbs and can use a 115-150 hp motor, getting somewhere between 2 & 5 mpg. A Sceptre rig will weigh somewhere around 6000 lbs, require a tandem trailer with 2X more tires/hubs/springs to maintain, and will require a full size pickup to tow, possibly with 4WD depending on what the ramps are like in your area. Power would need to be at least a 175 but better if 225-250, with mpg somewhere around 1.5-2 mpg unless you run a modern DI 2-stroke or a 4-stroke, which may get 3-4 mpg.

As far as I/O vs. OB power, the I/O is ok if it'll be kept on a trailer and you can do most of your own maintenance and tune-ups, etc., on your vehicle, since I/O's, except for the outdrive, use simple automotive technology. If you're not a hands-on guy and pay other folks to do all your automotive work, you'd probably be better off with a newer OB that's more advanced technology but probably requires less maintenance. Denny
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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