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Old 06-17-2013, 08:33 AM
bigeasy1 bigeasy1 is offline
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Default Free Seacraft postcard

Ok, I have to admit that I got that "Cool" Seacraft post card that was on an ebay auction a few weeks ago.
I really don't feel right having it,as I know It means more to you southern guys than it does me.
I will give it to anyone who truly wants it,at no charge.I paid $7.50 for it,because I felt that rather than have it dissapear, it would be nice for someone in the classic Seacraft community to have it.
I'll gladly send it to someone who it means something too. I don't know how in demand it is,and if so how to pick the right person to give it to,but what the heck ,just reply to this post,and let me know who you think would truly want it.
I'm sure with the great bunch of people on this site they will list the right person.

It was pictured on this post
All this,just for a boat ride
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