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Old 06-27-2013, 09:26 PM
Jeff79Sceptre Jeff79Sceptre is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 203
Default 3 weeks later and I'm riding!!!

Well I recorded the deck, did countless other things, put 50 gallons of fuel in her and put in the salt. Twin 150 ocean runners and its rides. Comes out the hole very quick with a top speed of 43mph. I took it out to some 2'-3' rollers and I was way impressed. It does need tabs though. The wife was very happy also. Been a couple years since we had our last boat(pontoon...slow) and the whole family is ready to go again. I love the boat and the ride and especially the room at the stern. It doesn't get any better for a Seacraft fan. Happy boating to all!
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