Hi Gerry,
Ditto what Connor and Chuck have said above.
In the past, I know I have stated the fact that you are always on the tabs when a crew is moving around, and she'll lay on her side, etc. Comments like those seem derogatory but were not meant that way, and are not in comparison to anything else. The guys that have operated the other boats mentioned will be able to tell you differences. I can't do that but I can say that I have no desire to try the others.
One thing I had thought of a while ago, was the fact that most of these boats have 2 50 gal tanks, and ours has 1 100 gal. Perhaps the 100 gal tank sloshes more and enhances the effect of movement from side to side. That is considering the fact that the 100 gal is never full or empty and of the 2 50's, one could be full or empty. Also considering baffles in the tank, of which I have never seen in mine. What do you think, Denny?
As far as power, I would stick with a small block. With a small block, you can have all the performance you need in this boat, without the extra weight of the big block.
Good luck!