Originally Posted by seafari25
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One thing I had thought of a while ago, was the fact that most of these boats have 2 50 gal tanks, and ours has 1 100 gal. Perhaps the 100 gal tank sloshes more and enhances the effect of movement from side to side. That is considering the fact that the 100 gal is never full or empty and of the 2 50's, one could be full or empty. Also considering baffles in the tank, of which I have never seen in mine. What do you think, Denny? . . .
Do you know if that 100 gallon tank is factory original or if it's a replacement tank. I can't imagine anyone making a tank that big without baffles in it. 600+ lbs of gas sloshing around in a big tank would probably be quite noticeable!
As for power, I think I'd vote for a Duoprop with a strong injected smallblock motor. If Connor can run the speeds he mentioned at 8" manifold vacuum, that indicates he's got plenty of power. If his vacuum was down around 5", then I would say he was underpowered and would be looking at fairly short life on the exhaust valves. Moesly designed the 25 Seafari to have a ballast tank up front, but Potter left that out, so if anything, it needs more weight up front, not a heavy big block engine in the stern! The big blocks are also serious gas guzzlers. A friend of mine repowered a 23 Sceptre years ago with a big block and the MerCruiser II drive that required a marine transmission between the engine and outdrive. It was fast and could pass everything but a gas dock, as it turned out to be a 1 mpg rig! Brian has also complained about the fuel consumption of the big block/Bravo 2 in his 27' Seamaster. Denny