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Old 09-07-2013, 07:31 PM
fg1 fg1 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 34

I don't know Denny. Lots of things to consider and I have to agree with Carl, why not just extend it....... but then again what's the hours and materials factor going to be? And what's the value once completed? For the amount of work involved why not just find a nice 23 to restore?
One of the most successful extensions we ever did was a 17 Mako. But we extended the bottom, deck and sides rather than the transom. Essentially full height boxes on either side. You could walk all the way around the engine, the boxes added a lot of storage/bait well area and they added tremendously to the low speed performance. The surprise bonus was that the irregular transom shape made a sort of rip-rap effect (like jetty rocks at an inlet) no waves ever made their way into the boat again. Also, it was a pretty easy add-on - we just PVA'd the sides, transom quarters and bottom 2feet forward, laid on some glass, popped off the pieces and glassed 'em back onto the transom. I always wanted to get another 23 SC and do that again.
But as far as Sandy's boat, why not just hang the engine on the transom. It's already so extreme in beam to length ratio I wouldn't want to upset that. Plus euros are so, well, last week!
You have to admit, the brackets are damn easy. Bolt
em on and you're done.
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