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Old 09-18-2013, 04:56 PM
Caymanboy Caymanboy is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Ft Laud, Florida
Posts: 771

Here's the long and short of it.
Back when I started, I hired people I that I used to work with 25-30 years ago. Good people, knew their stuff.
Problem was, times change, technology changes, I could not get them to change.
So, I changed them, went with younger people.
Now, everyone in my shop has learned from me, my way of doing stuff, the way we do stuff. It has not been an easy ride.
I have had people come out of the trade schools, I have paid them, trained them, paid to have training for them. Some I canned, some quit when they thought they knew it all.
I am not against training, it takes alot of patience, work and money.
But, gosh darn it, it would be nice if they had something, some tool, something.
The last group to come through, fresh out off trade school, had not one tool, not one.
Nobody wants to learn the old way, they want to get in, do it, and get paid. Oh, and they latest way that it is done, is the best way.
Anyway, plod along I do------.
1972 20' SeaCraft SF, F200XB
1974 40' Eagle
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