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Old 09-23-2013, 03:12 PM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: N. Palm Beach, Fl.
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I agree with Fr. Frank. They sell a lot of used boats AND motors! Bought my motor new from ARG in the spring of 2006, and they've been a good outfit. Although I haven't needed much service in almost 500 engine hours, what work they have done was excellent. With 6 months to go on the 7 year warranty, I had a rough running problem at only 900 rpm for the first couple minutes after starting a cold motor. I think it was just dirty injectors and was going to pull 'em and send them to this outfit in Naples for cleaning , but the service manager got BRP to just replace all 6 injectors (worth $2400!) under warranty! It's now running like new and even burns a little less gas!

Sounds like you're in the NE, so you might also check Barnacle Bills @ They also support this Owners Group forum that contains a lot of good tech info, similar to CSC in quality.

If you're looking at a used E-TEC, one unique feature you should be aware of is the Engine History report info that's stored in the EMM (engine computer). A dealer or anyone with a laptop and the diagnostic software (available to anyone) can download reports like the one below.
Attached Images
File Type: pdf 250_HO_page_1.pdf (73.9 KB, 22 views)
File Type: pdf 250_HO_page_2.pdf (107.0 KB, 12 views)
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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