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Old 09-29-2013, 08:54 PM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Originally Posted by seabass08 View Post
. . . His bracket design is different in that he extends the running surface of the hull instead of raising the bracket up a few inches from the bottom of the transom the way everyone else does. Does anyone here have any experience or opinions on Bill or this type of bracket design and how it will effect the ride of the boat?

Any feedback is appreciated! I will post a couple pictures of my boat and some of the boats he has done. He did say that he doesnt think he has done a bracket for a 23 seacraft yet but Did one for a 21 several years back.
Thanks - sb
Carla brought her dad (Carl Moesly) by my house to see my boat after I had the bracket installed. I asked him what he thought about the bracket and his response was "Why not just make the whole boat longer?!" Blue Heron has recently found some technical info on the performance characteristics of planning hulls that says that Moesly's instinct was absolutely correct, as one might expect from a guy with his experience! A bracket that extends the planning surface of the hull will give you all of the benefits of a bracket and NONE of the disadvantages! It will need to be seriously stout however, with real stringers, etc. I'd want a layup similar to the original (see attachment), no chopper gun stuff!
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'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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