Originally Posted by kmoose
In 10 years one of the two won't be here to compare to.  We'll be debating 4 strokes vs. boosted diesel outboards.
I seem to remember folks saying 2-strokes were going away back in 2000 when OMC went bankrupt. Although E-TECs are now No. 3 on new boat sales behind Yamaha and Merc, they're No. 1 in repower sales, so they've made an impressive comeback.
Speaking of bankruptcy, I see that Suzuki has pulled out of the US auto market. I'd sure hope they don't abandon the outboard market, as they're my favorite 4S design, and were my 2nd choice for a motor. Their use of an oil bath chain cam drive and the offset crank/extra gear reduction to compensate for less torque sure makes a lot of sense!