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Old 03-31-2014, 03:42 AM
Kmitchell Kmitchell is offline
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 1
Default 23 cc repower questions

Ok guys, I have a 1989 seacraft 23 cc with an enclosed transom and a bracket currently with a yamaha 225 ox66. The previous owner pulled the cap on the boat and beefed up the stringers about 5 years ago, the same time they enclosed the transom and mounted bracket. What I would like to do is remove the single bracket and mount one for twins. I have 2 brand new yamaha F200's the lightweight inline 4 cylinders that I purchased for another boat but have decided to sell the boat and hang the new 200's on my Seacraft. I have a line on an Armstrong bracket as well. My question is has anyone tried this setup or know of any out there like this? I also can't find any info on the displacement of the Armstrong bracket. Not sure if this is worth doing, but am interested in giving it a shot. The 200's weigh in at 489# a piece. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!
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