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Old 04-09-2014, 09:33 PM
Terry England Terry England is offline
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Location: Indian Rocks Beach, Florida
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Default Pitted tank

I suppose you could consider Capt. Chuck's procedure and then wire wheel the entire tank down and wrap it with a couple layers of epoxy and cloth. If you lay right up to the sending unit and fitting bosses and then wipe the transition area with liquid electrical tape, I've found it allows you to remove the sending unit or change the fitting if you ever need to but keeps the water from trying to work between the epoxy shell and the aluminum tank. I just did that procedure to a brand new tank, because I hate doing the same thing twice - even if they're decades in between the occasions.

Brian FYI -
The new thick walled tank I just bought was 75 gallons, had three pick-ups, vent, fill, sending unit, was "vee" bottomed and ran about $785 with tax - Mattson Seamount, Tampa. They can weld up anything except "A broken heart" or the "Crack of Dawn"!!
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