Thread: 1975 18' sf
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Old 04-30-2014, 11:23 PM
dave s dave s is offline
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 137

Surprisingly the foam in the stringers, the wood deck, and the wood in the keelson are dry. Other than the transom, the rest of the boat looked solid, but the previous owner had already cut around the decks, caps, and all the under deck boxes.
Yes there was wood and beige color Potter putty around the front fish box drain and rear through hulls; they were in good condition. Had to use a hammer and chisel to knock off the putty; going to seal the holes and make new ones aft for the water intake and transducer.
I cut the stringers back, mainly to give me more room to work on the transom, but the foam was already exposed. There were some random holes in the stringers with open foam and some rusted nails.
Maybe someone prior tried to make some cheap fixes.
Also looked like some drier whitish color areas in the woven roving around the stringers; might be resin poor or from some damage to the laminate.
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