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Old 06-11-2014, 10:30 PM
FishStretcher FishStretcher is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Greater Boston
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I am half done. 5 layers of DBM on the inside. With vinylester epoxy. THe outside will be the same. I will use peel ply and a beach ball to "compression mold" it as it is almost updsie down. It looks strong so far and should be fiber rich.

I wish I was running the boat, but I am becoming more happy with the structural improvements. I just want some 24" props. Hoping I can hit just under 50 MPH on race gas (stuff with a fast flame front for high RPM torque where the prop needs it). Heck, if I can pull redline with 24" props, thats a start.

One of these days.
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