Yea agree, it is much easier to start with a cc and seafari's are rare and all but it's not like you cut up a 25' seafari or a 27 seamaster. There are more models out there more rare that need not be cut but if your hearts in it and you don't mind all the extra work it will make a nice boat. If you planned on having a 3 piece boat with out a liner it wont be too bad vs doing a cc the same way. The main thing is having to build the gunnels back from nothing. You will have to spend a lot more time in that area but all the rest will be basically the same once cut up. Check out Calibougue on here he had a cc 20 but tossed the cap and built it back from scratch with a custom cap made from core cell. Yours done this way would be about the same process. His was a real nice 20 cc with bracket, all composite and built with out a liner.
Here is the link: