my dad and I had a 1978 20 ft MA for about 20 years (1978 - 1996)……we would regularly go 20 miles offshore (Tarpon Springs, Florida) and have been as much as 40 miles. There are certain times of the year that are less risky; also as the experienced mariners said before me, you gotta pay attention to the weather; you should have two separate sources of weather reports and always factor in the day before and day after. …for example I went out on fathers day in my 23 footer and it was fairly windy the three days before we went out (each day different directions). It was only blowing 5 miles out of south on fathers day but the seas were very confused and choppy due to the three days prior… one of my novice family members got sick…..argh!! cut our day short. Anyhow, I used to say if you can't go out in the 20 MA you really don't want to be offshore anyway; I don't like to get beat up even if my boat can take it. I prefer to wait for good days.
1978 20 ft. Master Angler (175 merc)
2000 23 ft. Seacraft (225 opti)
1984 17ft. Boston Whaler (90 merc)