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Old 06-25-2014, 09:11 PM
Terry England Terry England is offline
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Location: Indian Rocks Beach, Florida
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Angry Scallop report

Originally Posted by Blue_Heron View Post
Yer gettin' old and fergetful, Terry. I'm in the vicinity of Hogtown, not Tally. About an hour and a half from Crystal River. And I've got a 20SF for day trips, so no worries.

If there's a plan for Crystal River over the holiday weekend, we might be in. Otherwise, we may wait until the scallop reports come in and the crowd dies down before we go.

Dave, nice of you to swing by and give us a broadside (4 posts in 20 minutes!)

I talked to the mayor's wife in OZ (Ozello). Nothing popping up there yet or C.R. or HO. Reports are the ones that have come up are around the Chaz. marker and south to P.I. I'm trying to go up to B.P. by next Wednesday and will swing by on the way back in from a grouper and hog run offshore to take a look see. I'll call you or PM you on what I see on Wednesday night or Thursday night and we'll come up with a plan to meet up with Kenny and his brother-in-law he can't seem to shake, "Barnacle". I got one too that's like hav'in a dang walrus "wallowing" around in the boat. (that's marginally different that "wallering" out the screws in the gas tank, so pay attention to these here grammatical-colloquial nuances us scallopers employ, regularly)

In any case, be ready for the Le Mans start when I drop the green flag!!!!
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