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Old 06-29-2014, 04:25 PM
DoozleD DoozleD is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 56
Default 115 4sroke VST Floods engine

whats up guys...I have a 2002 Yamaha 115 for stroke, it has fresh gas, no water in the gas and no crude...its a new tank...I replaced the VST last year and have had no problems...until to day...used the boat yesterday and today. On the way in it quit, I pulled the cover off and fuel is porring out of the intake!...long story short I bring it back to the shop and fuels comeing out of the VST vent that connects to the intake...stuck float...great! the vst has 1hr on it! W.T.F!!...I am wondering if its a common problem?
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