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Old 07-10-2014, 01:54 PM
jonbrush jonbrush is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 55

Originally Posted by 77SceptreOB View Post
I think you are talking about the white, plastic ladder with two steps? If so, they were prone to breaking at the step attachment points and are hard to find now in decent condition. Good luck in your search and welcome to the site.
Yes, that's it exactly. I was wrong in calling it a 'boarding ladder' it is probably called a 'cockpit ladder'? There is evidence that the plastic steps did break off and wooden ones were bolted in. Now, one of the plastic side pieces is broken. My friend Rod is going to add some teak to hold it together for the season, until we can build a new one.

Regarding access to the bow using that same two step ladder, the brackets for that one are gone, but there is evidence that they were there at one time. It does not seem to me that the same ladder would work in both places, but on the off chance I would love to find a couple of spare brackets.

Thanks for the help. This site is a great resource.

Jon Brush
Shelter Island, NY
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