another 20sf project
Hey guys, this is my first thread here. this forum has been a wealth of information so far.
A few months ago i decided i needed a project and another boat in the backyard. I found a 1972 20sf in daytona and picked it up and brought it home to st. pete Fl.
it was a bare hull, original trailer, top cap and original center console. the hull had already been completely gutted, the hull sides where reinforced with several layers of 1708 that where layered down and over the outside stringer (guy did a pretty good job imo), the stringers (4 stringer system) had an additional inch of foam glassed to the tops, and the transom was replaced with two layers of 3/4" ply and the notch filled in for a closed transom.
I've been slowly working to complete the project and am at the point where i am going to start putting the deck down. I have shortened the casting platform by about 20" and added a bulkhead between the center stringers, i installed the gas tank up to that bulkhead and glassed in another bulkhead to close off the tank compartment. i then glassed in another about 24" from the transom for a total of 3, all inbetween the center stringers.
i wasnt going to add anymore, but after reading lordwrenches thread i am having second thoughts. it doesnt look like there were ever any in these hulls, should i add more between the other stringers? i wasnt going to reinforce the hull side with more glass, but i was going to add 3 gunnel supports on each side for further reinforcement. I had thought my original plan was overkill, now not so sure. i just dont want to do work twice.
thoughts? I'll post pics soon