Thread: Transom Repair
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Old 08-24-2014, 07:49 PM
jorgeinmiami jorgeinmiami is offline
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Worked on the transom today, got out the gas chainsaw and was careful with it.
Took out 95% of the wood and I got stuck on the small part left.

How do I access and take off the nuts to remove the transom lifting ring?

I cannot get to it with my live well being in the way...tried to get at it by removing the side vent but there is a huge amount of potter putty in the way and it looks like I would not get there anyways due to a tight fit or is this the way to go?


Something else I found...the drain tube did not go all the way thru, it had 2 inches on each side and in the middle where the wood was it had nothing.....someone took a shortcut
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