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Old 09-10-2014, 03:40 PM
jongolds jongolds is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Connecticut
Posts: 265

I was looking for a 23' WAC Mako when I stumbled on my 73 SeaCraft Tsunami.

From the boats that I trialed, the SeaCraft had far superior performance with less HP. The Mako's had far more amenities in the cabin (full heads, some included a shower, microwaves, convertible table/berth). Mako's had standup headroom too.

None of that stuff mattered much to me though and it all added a lot of weight and took up a lot of room.

When I found the Tsunami/Sceptre, the cabin had a berth and porta-potti for kids/stuff and a wide open deck. The open real estate in the cockpit makes the boat very adaptable. It feels roomier than a lot of 26' boats in the cockpit. It's the first thing everyone comments on. There's just an amazing amount of room for a boat in this size range.

Most people seem to be happy with a single large OB (225hp+) on these boats. The Mako's that I looked at started at twin 150hp OBs and went up from there. Even with the HP, they were not as fast or quick to plane.

I loved the Mako WAC's. I just loved the Tsunami more once I found it. If over-nighting is part of your plans, you may like the Mako better though there seem to have been some 27' SeaCrafts on here lately that might be worth looking at first.
1973 23' Tsunami, 300hp Etec
Norwalk, CT
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