Thread: Smitten again
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Old 09-10-2014, 05:59 PM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Originally Posted by brushhippie View Post
..but till then does anybody know a product that will remove the oxidation for now?
I've used Polyglo for about 7 years with excellent results. The Poly Prep included the kit is a very strong cleaner that does a pretty fair job on oxidation, although their Poly Ox product appears to be specifically made for removing oxidation, so it may be better. Even the Poly Prep will leave the surface very dull looking, and the Polyglo may show some streaks after the first couple of coats, but after about 5-6 coats, it will have a very high gloss! And unlike wax, it will last at least a year, even in the high UV we have in South Florida! I've used Meguires HD Oxidation remover and Collinite Paste wax which works ok but only lasts about 3 months, so I'll never use that stuff again!

My 42 year old boat was only 3 years old when I bought it and had been kept in an in/out storage building, so gel coat was in good shape. I never waxed the cabin top for over 30 years because I didn't want kids slipping and falling off the slick surface, so the gel coat in that area is fairly thin. Since I haven't had kids up there for a long time, I finally tried the Polyglo on the cabin top about 5 years ago. I was amazed that it looked almost as good as the hull, which has had much less UV exposure!
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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