Thx for the reply. Funny you should mention the rod holders. I brought one to the boat today to see how it actually fits under the gunnel. In it's original form, it offers no support at all - just a rod holder. But, I thought it could be used for REAL support that integrates the rod holder and gunnel support ( the way you mentioned ). I had not thought about bolting thru the coaming - a great idea.
This will definitely be an off season project. I will build something cheap and easy out of 3/4 plywood, and install on both sides. As a test. It's a good start.
But, I think I'll need another (2) add'l supports under each gunnel per side moving forward towards the bow as well.
Those will be trickier.
If I did build the perfect knees with the right shape etc, my questions are:
- Would they be glassed in on all three sides ( or two, as I could bolt through the coaming on those as well ) ?
- Would I glass directly to the liner or cut through the liner and attach directly to the hull ?
- Should any or all of these contact points be buffered by something that helps to displace the pressure ?
- I still have not discarded the idea of sandwiching balsa under the length of the gunnel to stiffen it up. Waiting for input with this.
Surprising that there is not more information on the CSC site on this topic as it is definitely a weak part of the Tsunami/ Sceptre hull.