Originally Posted by Bushwacker
I would bet that an 18 with light 2-stroke power will ride better than a 20 with a ~500 lb 4-stroke on the transom. I speak from experience because my boat rode better with a 300 lb motor on the transom than it did with a 430 lb motor shifted 30" aft on a 150 lb bracket. Min planing speed went from 12 mph to 22-23 mph! By adding trim tabs, a Doelfin and a stern lifting 4B prop, I got it back down to 12 mph but at some penalty in speed and fuel burn.
And if you want more storage, take a look at a 20' Seafari or Sceptre!
Denny- I totally agree.....just because people can put a 500 lb motor on a 20 doesn't mean they should. That crowd that doesn't pay attention to the value of the CG is overlooking one of Carl's major ingredients to the great ride.
My 2 18's with v4 2 strokes had no tabs and were beasts offshore!