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Old 11-20-2014, 06:40 PM
Boatman2506 Boatman2506 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 110
Default 18 sold.....NOW FOR A 20!!!! Started today!!

So someone wanted my 76 18sf more than I did so I let her go down the road and make another family happy! Now I'm excited to jump on a 20SF and get her ship shape again!! This one doesn't need nearly as much work as my 18 did, but I'm still excited to see the results!! Planning on have paint and repairs done next week then going to start rigging! Going with awl grip fighting lady yellow hull sides and console, Kingston gray boot stripe, Brite white topside with Kingston gray non skid.... SHOULD SET HER OFF!!! Will keep everyone posted as I move along. Thanks!
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