Thread: gas tank
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Old 12-14-2014, 11:02 PM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Doesn't really matter where the fill tube is. What's important is where the VENT is, to make sure you get all the air out of tank when filling! On my Seafari the filler is on stbd gunnel about 1-2' fwd of transom and fill hose goes to aft end of tank. Vent is at front of tank on port side, which is the high spot if I'm filling tank at a marina, standing in back with boat heeled to stbd. However if filling at a gas station with boat on trailer, front end of tank is lower than aft end, so it'll overflow at the vent before it's full. After I get it home, unhitch trailer and crank up nose wheel so all water drains out of bilge, I can usually add another 5 gallons or so before it overflows out vent!
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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