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Old 12-15-2014, 08:00 PM
gofastsandman gofastsandman is offline
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Originally Posted by Travis View Post
I will post more "boat porn" when I get a chance! But my history with the boat has been I drove by it every day for 5 years at least but as far as I know it had been just sitting there in the bushes and trees for several more years! I had been wanting this boat for years but never could find the owner. Then I bought the house across the street and with talking to neighbors I found the owner earlier this year and am now the proud owner! After 3 days? Or 4 pressure washing the boat I finally realized what I had bought. I haven't done any restoratation to (as I can see it doesn't need much) it other than a new set of tires and rims on the trailer and of coarse draining fuel tank and going thru the motor but other than that nothing. I have had it to several lakes in SW Missouri and in Oklahoma and she runs and rides like a brand new one. I am the 3rd owner and the owner before me had it to the lake maybe 3 times. Before he parked it and walked away think his mom told him if he bought a boat it would get him women but I see how far that got him

You will need one of my DeSlackerization kits. Call in the next 10 minnows and we will include a small furry hat with horns and a years supply of NoBones supplements.

The good: Raised deck!
25" transom!
Scuppers out the flat end!
Helm and controls on the propppppper side.
Stylish grab rail on the console.
Compass in your line of sight.
Built in Kitty Kat magnets.

The bad: Wiring. All of the older ones.
Foamed in tank.
Trim on the transom cut out leaches water down her core.
None of the older panache.

Cheers and welcome,
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