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Old 01-15-2015, 09:14 PM
gofastsandman gofastsandman is offline
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Originally Posted by Lordwrench View Post
Trim is purring like a kitten now,nice to have all major systems a go.Thanks again to all here for the help! Does anyone have a wiring schematic for the OMC gauge package ? It looks to have a power and ground feed wire coming from the OMC throttle harness which then appears to daisy chain around to the back of each gauge? The fuel gauge is the only one I need, it seems dead and pegged low. The tach works but seems a little jumpy, I would really like confidence in it. The volt meter pegs to full high when the key is on. Motor trim gauge is inop so far.

First I am going to direct wire the fuel gauge just to get it working, but for the rest of it, it seems a distribution block would be the way to go and distribute clean power and ground to each gauge. All of this will be not too long term, I will probably be converting it all to Merc monitor, so for now,I just want to get the fuel gauge and tach at least mildly dependable.Any info appreciated,thanks!

3/8 fuel line? This is a must. My 96 is a bit different in that this was the first year for the system check tach.

I want as many gauges as possible. Temp should read 140-150. Above 160 or so and capt corrosion comes calling. Volt should be 13.4-14 or so. Manual is at work. Trim is fed signal by the black plastic arm on the swivel bracket. They get stuck open as the shaft gets tight and the spring weakens. Find a friend or child with small hands to replace the spring and clean up the shaft.

Not sure if the gauge packs were all daisy chained for ease of production or for electrical reasons. Electrical gremlins laugh at me. Clean all grounds and hot connections. Bad grounds can cause tach jumping or lead to low side regulator blow out.

Remove the pink wire from the fuel gauge and see what happens.

When you turn the key on does a horn sound?

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