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Old 04-20-2015, 08:11 PM
Fr. Frank Fr. Frank is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Shalimar, Florida
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Drove 350 miles to go finalize the deal, and discovered the boat was beyond my financial and physical capabilities. Jim Peterson was extremely gracious, as I told him I could not buy the boat.
The transom will need a new core AND a new outer skin, and the deck also needs to be re-cored. All of the hatches are now missing. It does have a brand new stainless steel fuel tank, though.
Just more than I can take on right now. Beautiful boat, though.
Common Sense is learning from your mistakes. Wisdom is learning from the other guy's mistakes.

Fr. Frank says:
Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat!

Currently without a SeaCraft
(2) Pompano 12' fishing kayaks
'73 Cobia 18' prototype "Casting Skiff", 70hp Mercury
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