Ok, washed SeaCracker twice w/ barkeeper's friend & blue scrb pad, then washed with 8 oz TSP to 1 gallon water. Used 1 bucket on topside & 1 bucket for each half of the hull & transome. I have 4 coats on the hull & 2 coats on the topside. Used several micro fiber rags instead of the applicator. Change rags often. Wear high quailty latex gloves and put on a new pair every 2 coats. Watch for sweat running out the inside of the gloves. ALSO WATCH OUT FOR SEALER DRIPS! if you don't wipe immediately, you'll have a green spot. Sealer very easy to see when applying 2,3 & 4th coats. I didn't seal her name because it needs touched up. Last picture is before any washing.