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Old 06-21-2015, 09:03 AM
Capt Terry Capt Terry is offline
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 573

Originally Posted by 77SceptreOB View Post
Just got my boat back in the water again. Now storing it in a "High-n-Dry" Marina on Lake Murray near Columbia, SC.

This year marks the 27th year of service from our trusty 1988 Yamaha Excel 225 two stroke outboard. It cranked right up and ran like a charm! We love our old engine...
Hey Jim- looking good!
I got 28 years out of my last Merc, about 15 years before it ever moved to fresh water in Lakes Keowee and Hartwell. Ironically on the last trip before it lost compression the boat ran faster than it had in years. A power trim replacement and water pumps were about all it needed until a late in life carb rebuild which added a little top end. The mechanic who gave me to the low compression diagnosis (which I later confirmed myself) told me I got at least twice the life out of it as I should have, particularly considering the salt water usage. We are still stuck in south Florida (not too tough a place to be) with my first mate's eye issues. I am missing the SC lakes and watersports!
Capt Terry
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