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Old 06-26-2015, 10:53 AM
GameOnSalmon GameOnSalmon is offline
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 137


I would 2nd the BRP Engines and weight ratio. I just picked up a 20' Sceptre in California Last week. Already pulled and sold the Engine. I am currently shopping for a 150 or 175....

88,89,90 or 94 thru 98 and 2002 to 2005 Johnson DI. The 98 and earlier are carb motors. Dam near bullet proof and super easy to fix when something goes wrong on the water. Parts motors are easy to come by.

Most people do not realize but once Bombardier took over OMC they cleaned up the act Fast. I have seen the 2002 to 2005 Johnson DI engines with 2000 to 3000 hours and still running strong. Probably the Best buy for the Money.

Now if you want to go the Carbed Route... I would highly suggest looking for a Whole Boat. You can buy the Whole boat Cheaper than the Engine Only go figure. Once you pull the motor and controls... then just Pop the boat back up for sale on the trailer with no power. It should sell fast. Makes for a Nice Engine Stand during the swap.

I know Bigshrimp will chime in here on the Mercs as some point better fuel economy but i cant work on them so i have to stay on the Johnnyrude stuff.

Gillie is running a 115 merc Tower of Power in the Pacific he is on the same side of the country as me. I think he said he was getting around 34 mph with that set up.

Either way you go... Nice Score on the Seafari.

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