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Old 06-28-2015, 08:28 PM
linesider36 linesider36 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 100
Default New to the group!

Greeting group and thank you for letting me join. My name is Spencer and live on Eastern Long Island and have just become a proud owner of a 1986 20' SeaCraft.I heard the boat advertised on a local "Swap and shop" radio show and couldn't believe my ears. The boat was in Greenport about 25 miles away but was on my way to work. It didn't look bad, a lot of cosmetic stuff. Deck were solid and after putting some weight on the 175 Johnson the transom seem strong too. After a few more visits and talking to the owner who now lives in North Carolina, we agreed on a price for the boat and trailer, and now she's mine. The motor is the big ?. It was winterized i think last fall but needs water pump . haven't cranked it yet but hopefully this week. right now I'm cleaning and draining old fuel , new filter etc.Here are a few pics of her before i did anything and will keep updating any progress. Thanks in advance for any suggestions and for letting me join this cool site.
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