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Old 07-08-2015, 07:56 AM
FishStretcher FishStretcher is offline
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Default Need trailer help nearish Cape Cod (South Coast)

I hauled my 20 down to the South Coast (that's South and West of Cape Cod) and my trailer is shot. It won't get home as-is. Years of galvanized paint fooled me. I either need all new spring hangers for a tandem, or a new trailer. I wonder if there is local intel on dealers or a repair place. Considering selling it as a short haul "cape trailer" for a 20 or 23 and getting new. I think it was a 7000 lb trailer I derated to 4990 for tax purposes. I haul 60-150 miles at a shot, so the lights and bearings work.

Specifically Tiverton, RI/ Westport MA. But I can haul to Wareham MA or RI if I need to.

Thanks! Need to get this resolved in a week, ideally.
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