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Old 07-16-2015, 09:29 PM
erebus erebus is offline
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Cape Cod
Posts: 428
Default My boat was bird vandalized! Suggestions?

Finally got a mooring here on Cape Cod for my 18 SeaCraft. It's in Cape Cod Bay here in Brewster, so not ideal, but better than trailering and quicker than waiting on the 15 year waiting lists for better moorings.

Anyway, put the boat out about three weeks ago, and used it a lot (when the tides were right). This week took a hiatus busy at work etc. Didn't make it down to the beach to check on her until tonight.

Totally trashed with bird poop. Every surface. The deck, coamings, console, leaning post, motor cover.
So demoralizing. All that restoration work, and now she looks like she's been abandoned.

I'm going down with a brush and a bucket in the AM, but what the heck happened? How did my boat become the best roost in Brewster?
The sailboat next to me doesn't have a mark on it!

Any suggestions from the SeaCraft hive mind?

Do they like the flat decks? No bow-rail, or t-top.
I got a bird b gone spider for the foredeck, but I would basically need an 18' long spider to be really effective. Mooring cover? ( $$$!)

Any suggestions or recommendations on bird deterrents?

I know you guys love pictures, Ill try and get one tomorrow.

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