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Old 08-02-2015, 04:51 PM
Terry England Terry England is offline
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Location: Indian Rocks Beach, Florida
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Originally Posted by kmoose View Post
I have the same gps right above my new $$$$ one. That particular unit performs a unique task that some of us still need.
The green screen on that one finally got so many horizonal lines in it I couldn't read it. I put a new white screen GP-33 on that scow a couple of years ago and it has bigger letters for us old guys to see.

The weird deal is I finally read the instruction on the TD conversions because I could never get the GP-31 to find anything. The trick is you go to a known, NEARBY Lat-Lon that you have an old TD for and adjust the offsets to get it to read the TD correctly on that nearby spot (I thought you could do it at the dock). If you can get a couple nearby, that's even better. I was within a couple of miles of the old TD I was trying to find. When I made that adjustment offshore and nearby, all kinds of old TD's read and the bottom machine jumped just as the numbers rolled over! The Furunos are good, but I suspect the software is not accurate enought to compute the possible TD parabolas at a 25 mile range. The problem is that like you, I've been at this so long I still have more TD's than Lat-Lon's. Get inside of a couple of miles and reset the wheels and they seem to be spot on. I had the first one for 17 years before I got the second one and actually read the instructions! But of course Kenny you know, "Real Men Don't Read Instructions OR Ask Directions".
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