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Old 08-04-2015, 08:10 AM
kmoose kmoose is offline
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Originally Posted by Copper Collar View Post
Speaking of proven life saving requirements., those D tables that everyone enjoys so much in diving are based upon people that do not have a hole in there heart as verified by EKG, under 21% body fat, and can pass a PST (see minimums below). It cuts down the risk of DCS and AGE to a tolerable level. Should the government MANDATE that all PADI and NAUI divers meet those standards? After all it is proven, safer, and healthcare minimums are set by the government now.

Swim 500 yards breast/side stroke 12:30 or less
50 push ups
50 sit ups
6 pull ups
Run 1.5 miles 12:30 or less

BTW flares are far from antiquated if you know how to employ them correctly.
We could go all day on tit for tat... building codes, bridges, planes,.... pic your topic. Bottom line PLDs are already mandated for documented and commercial vessels regardless of size so there is no big stretch or unreasonable expense to apply that to recreational vessels venturing offshore past state waters. It's reasonable, applicable and you won't find a seasoned mariner that has spent any amount of time offshore denying their value.

I read an interview with a SARs team Coastie stating that EBIRBs and type 3 pfds with strobes provide the best chance you will sleep in your own bed if faced with an maritime emergency. There is a lot of weight in that statement and it should bare consideration to those owning vessels capable of venturing beyond the last channel marker.

Should there be a mandate to extend the federal mandates to all vessels venturing into federal waters? Personally I think there is merit to consider such in some degree. You and Tryader, obviously not. Maybe a registry of boaters not wanting to comply would be in order so that the CG doesn't have to waste millions of our tax dollars for boaters that would opt to make SAR more difficult and costly than it has to be. But then again I don't feel a dime should be spent treating treating traumatic head injuries suffered by motorcyclists who don't wear helmets nor should any recovery attempts be made if I don't surface from a 350 ft trimix dive.
[b]The Moose is Loose !
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