Originally Posted by Patchwork
Thanks for the info guys. I'm told the VIN on the transom is gone due to the transom replacement done a few years ago. I'll let you know how the sale works out. Good point in the four stroke hopefully she doesn't sit too low at the stern.
Not that this is the best way or probably not legal but I you wanted to make this work and being the tittle is from something else you could get you a 1"x6" piece of aluminum and stamp the number on off the title on it and screw it to the back of the hull. Or if the coast guard ever ask what type of boat you have you better respond it is a "what ever is on the tittle". I have see the commercial fisher guys do this on a lot of their junk to get it registered.
I have bought un-tittled hulls in the past but it aint worth the effort to get one if you don't get the right paper work with it sighed correctly when purchased.