Originally Posted by DonV
Oh I like the A-10 reference Sandy!! Had a friend who's son flew those ugly ass planes, he said when you lock on a tank and press the "kill button" it was done deal kill 100% of the time!! I love it when they are in the MacDill AFB/Central Command area where I live and are coming back from training runs at Avon Park bombing range. Loud and bad ass!!
Oh yes Don,
There was a wing at Patrick when I was a squid.
Also f 4 Phantoms. Those were really loud when they hit
the burners while we were surfing the second light.
The shuttle pilots all had personal t 38 Talons and they
broke every rule in the book, but in those days nobody
Also got to see the U2 and SR 71 up close and personal.
Very cool watching the 71 go off. Talk about bad ass.