Ok this is probably the wrong forum to ask this question so feel free to move it if needed.
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Anyone know of a bean bag chair that would fit in a 23 Tsunami,and are they as comfortable as I hear?
I 'd like to try and put one behind the port side passenger seat if I could for those 20 mile runs in snotty water.The boat as all of us Seacraft lovers know is perfectly capable of handling the conditions,but When the wind is over 15mph out of the east,west or north we can usually count on 3 footers and a very confused sea.
Right now I have 2 very comfortable seats up front,1 at the starboard helm and one at the port.Behind the port seat is a small food and drink cooler and a folding canvas chair that sits just about amidship.
Everyone loves sitting there as the ride in that spot is very good.
Across on the starboard side is a 125 quart fish cooler behind the front seat.We made aluminum tubing bases that leave a nice open space to slide about 1/2 of the fish cooler under and some tackle boxes as well.
I'm going to have to turn over a good part of the rough water steering rides to a friend who usually fishes with me.
The reason is because of some lousy screwed up vertebrae in my spine.I've had two cervical
disc operations one at C-3-4 and another at C6 to C-7.
Two months ago I had a third surgery for a fusion with titanium rods and screws at L5 to S1.The neuro surgeon explained that the recovery time could be quite long,and not to expect miracles,and explained that this was the last resort as we had tried all the other options like injections and physical therapy etc.
I have spondylosis, along with spondylolisthesis, spondylitis, arthritis, bone spurs,and herniated discs.I have tremendous faith in this surgeon.He has a superior reputation and is a very humble and caring person.
For three years I suffered with terrible pain in both legs from my waist to my feet,and now after this latest surgery all that pain is gone.
However,as he told me It wasn't going to be a walk in the park,and that I probably would experience some pain in my lower back,and adjacent areas.
He was right!!!
So anyway at this point,I am in pain,although in different areas(leg pains all gone hallalula) some of the new pain is severe and just getting out of bed is extremely difficult. Once I get to moving around a bit the pain lessens.This has changed all the plans I had for my retirement and restoring the Seafari sitting in the yard.
Now I'm wondering how I'll be able to run a grab a rod when a fish is on,I know that there is no way I'll be able to lift a 30lb salmon in the net over the back of the transom.I'm going to have to depend on my three man crew for that help.
Anyway the original question was if would be able to fit a small beanbag chair on the port side and maybe another on the starboard side if was to move the big cooler when it's time to run back in to port.
Any info would be appreciated. Thanks all.
Here's a picture of the layout (I no longer have the seats shown in this picture new ones are much much nicer).