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Old 05-05-2016, 10:27 AM
Basketcase Basketcase is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Southern NH
Posts: 198

I'm almost dead set on the new merc 115 for my potter 20 when its done. Lighter than an etec 115. In fact, lighter than I think all the 115s. I had considered yammy 115 but the 2.1L displacement of the merc makes me think itd have more torque than the littlle yamaha at 1.8 liters and a tad heavier. For me it's coming down to the merc 115 or etec 90. I have an etec 90 on another boat and it's a fabulous motor, but I'm just not certain itd be enough for ME on my SeaCraft. I know others have the etec 90 and swear by it but I think I'd want a bit more.
1971 Potter built center console.
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