Hospice for a Friend
Finally got a chance to leave SC and get away to the beach. Arrive knowing that my fishing buddy here was having difficulties with his cancer battle. Arrive, Mon, call Wed am, straight to voicemail. Call my buddy in SC who introduced me to Paul, here in Hernando Beach 5 years ago. Says he's back in the hospital. Fri am he calls and says he'll be here in six hours, per Paul's request. Paul would not be released from the hospital without accepting Hospice Care. He is two lagoons over and I have not seem him yet. He appears to be falling rapidly. Fell asleep last night at 10 and has not awoken as of now, 6 pm..
No interest in pulling engine cowl to count cylinders, or remove dash panel to check for 4 or 6 cylinder setting.
Thanks for the vent.
Plenty of Grouper where you'll be going, Paul, thanks for being such a Great Friend.
Part II