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Old 07-05-2016, 07:05 AM
jonbrush jonbrush is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 55

Thanks for the comments, Jim and Denny.

Denny, the boards do fold up. I still have to work out a way to hold them up. The pic is a little deceptive regarding the door; it is actually the typical bifold louvered door which fold up against the side of the helm to starboard. It's raining here today or I would take another pic. I do have the cockpit clips on each side which I photographed and measured. Then, Mitch was kind enough to replicate them using CAD and 3D printer. Came out perfect! If anyone needs clips or other small plastic parts, he is the one to call on!!!

Jim, the ladder was actually in bad shape when I got the boat. In several pieces. Rod Anderson resurrected it with new teak steps and glue. Does not fold up but otherwise works well.

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