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Old 07-06-2016, 09:13 PM
ssscotty ssscotty is offline
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 83

had a great extended weekend out there, our campsite even got on indian river by air... pretty cool.
there was a downside, the city of sebastian decided to wrongfully tow my truck and trailer leaving me stranded out there. ended up having to contact the mayor, city council, and the city supervisor. long story short, after having to lay out $330 cash to get my rig back, and getting a $50 parking ticket, they decided to waive the ticket, and have the tow company refund me everything but $100. now i have to attend a city meeting next week to tell my story and hopefully get the rest of my money back. i have a message from the mayor on my voicemail where he states that apparently a mistake was made.... you think... here are some pics
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