Originally Posted by CaptBill
Greetings ... Just re-powered my 87 " Voyager" with a Yammy 150 4 stroke ... came with a Reliance Series 14 1/2 17 which works pretty good .... but not getting all RPMs on top ....Any Suggestions ?? Thanks!
Always make sure you can get to maximum RPMs under a full load. Back off on the pitch and diameter until you get there or you will burn extra fuel and wear things out prematurely starting at the lower unit and working it's way up through the wrist pins. Let 'em spool up to reach maximum RPMs and they will live happily ever after - overload 'em and they will sh*t the bed.
Just ask "Hollywood Prop" Gillie or Ken Reeves at "PropGods.com", they'er both real smart and will set you straight!