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Old 09-25-2016, 02:39 PM
Snookerd Snookerd is offline
Founding Father
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Bradenton, FL.
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Default 2017 June Bahamas Gathering

Ok, here is the next edition of the CSC West End Grand Bahama Trip (Includes extension trip to the Abacos). No polls, just a mid June trip and a 2 week extension trip, island hopping to Hope Town and back to FL.. I think KMoose will be ready with that new bracket by then.

I am calling you out:

Bushwacker, and Too have a bullseye on that trip as well. Terry & Marsha, Don & Deb, Connor & Karen, GFS, TomParis and family, Jim, Casey & family, Doug, bumpdraft, Michael, Skip and Carla, Ken and Mel, NoBones, CaptChuck, IslandTrader, Briguy, RickG, doodlebug, captterry, Blueheron, Uncleboo, Martin, Ed, bobbert, keyscruz, parkeryacht, flexpat, Riley-RE, Rusty, Mark(FL&Colorado), Trayder, OttoC, Old'sCool, Pigsticker, CaptLloyd, and of course.........Spider Crab.

If you were left off the list, then you may want to start living up to your potential as an addicted SeaCraft enthusiast. There is only one ANTIQUE SLACKER, stop trying to compete with GFS!.

Talk amongst yourselves.........
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